Thursday, October 2, 2008

because I will not does not mean I cannot.

anger and frustration seep in,
hate and darkness kill there living souls,

their very nature has been transformed,
father from Him and each other they grow,

building up walls of demise they move into a state of foolishness,
times passes and still no change,

for now they've grown even more bitter and fallen to new depths,
yet their mess continues on, giving little hope to a solution,

in place of their love,
their sinful natures take over,

others watching on begin to take note,
and questions soon arise,

still their evil presses on,
for his plan is working,

they have been equally corrupited,
even more have fallen as well,

they now walk through their days in darkness,
a spoiled stench effects evertyhting they do,

and who they want to become,
they are not dead, just held from true life,

the One thing that can save them waits paciantly for their requests,
the emotion and joy the once shared has evaporated,

and forgiveness is no longer a word in their vocabulary,
instead "me" replaces it and completely binds them,

transformation is an option,
and light will come into their darkness if they desire to let it.

And if My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways then I WILL hear them from heaven and WILL forgive their sin, and WILL heal their land!
2 Chronicles 7:14

1 comment:

Poems of Long Ago said...

your right. it did speak clear & loudly to what was indeed the undercurrent of what needed to be spoken about. very distressing! good use of your expressions. isnt it a great outlet :)